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Intro to Ayurveda with Stephanie Briody

Join Stephanie to learn how to live a life of balance using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a sister science of yoga, and teaches us that the path to well-being starts by looking inside ourselves. This workshop will explore the importance of daily routines, structure, and food choices. We will break down the terms Vata, Pitta and Kapha into simple-to-understand attributes and you will discover what your unique constitution is. You'll be able to use all the information in very practical ways to stay healthy and happy. This class will be very personalized so you will go home with a new understanding of who you are and how to live in a more focused, loving and self-contained way. Take your health into your hands, empower yourself with knowledge, know and love yourself more deeply, and become inspired to start making better, more informed choices! $35 in advance. Please register early to reserve your spot!


February 24

Deep Stretch and Relaxation Monthly Workshop with Susannah van der Wende

March 23

Art of Assisting with Mark Finneran and Elizabeth DeAngelis